Yes Sanders Sides Oneshots! - ALOT OF ANGST - Logan angst pt img. img 6 . logansandersangst 


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(the playlist. my god.)  tags:logan angst. logan angst. other tags. #my-art - #sanders-sides - #logan- sanders - #ts-logan - #logan-angst - #i-hope-this-is-sad-enough  Winged Virgil Sanders. Click to view image. View Gallery.

First post!! Angst headcanons for the sides. TW: eating disorders, self harm, depression, anxiety, ocd, etc. Roman: Roman has bulimia. He’s had it since he was 25, and he’s attempted recovery a few times but they all proved unsuccessful.

he doesn’t realize side’s world is still monochromatic. sanders sides logan sanders logan sanders angst logan angst angst prompt basically unrequited love logince logicality intrulogical loceit analogical logan sanders logan angst au sanders sides patton sanders roman sanders remus sanders janus sanders virgil sanders loceit. 58 notes. 58 notes First post!!

Sanders sides logan angst

Fast foward when logan wake up, hes in his new room. His new personality trait is Curiosity. Like how he use to be. When the other sides notice, they get mad at Deceit and Remus. Only the dark sides notice how scared Logan looks. So eventualy, the arguments are over, but only Roman says he sorry. Logan forgives him. The next few months, Roman joins the darks sides and becomes Passion.

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Sanders sides logan angst

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Sanders sides logan angst

For the people who want Sanders sides to be a religion. The Sanders Sides religion book Robot Logan ANGST-Ace, Clark, Sugarlove Dreamer, Sapphire the Tree, Right now, they just want Logan to rest; Fast foward when logan wake up, hes in his new room. His new personality trait is Curiosity. Like how he use to be.

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Sanders sides logan angst

Wer hat Angst vor Virgina Woolf? Dale Hennesy un Robert De Vestel för Logan's Run (dt. Thomas E. Sanders un Lisa Dean för Saving Private Ryan (dt. William Sandell un Robert Gould för Master and Commander: The Far Side of the 

He didn’t remember going to bed last night. Last thing he remembered was him sitting on the couch, watching a certain prince fight a dragon… Prince. Virgil sighed. Roma Thank you so much for watching!

#UUUUUGGHHHH #Sanders sides #Angst #lemons does a Ted talk #Virgil sanders #Sanders sides theory #Aaaaaa #Logan Sanders #I swear on Spaghetti That I have to re type this ONE MORE TIME. 98 notes ask---virgil

Make gifs, join When the other sides notice, they get mad at Deceit and Remus. Only the  30 Dec 2019 Here's an archive of every Sanders Sides fanfic I've written. Letters, 5/??, AO3, All Sides (eventually), all sympathetic sides, Logan angst. 5 Nov 2020 Here's where I write my angsty weird stuff.

(Side story to the You Hear What You Want (But You Never Wanted Me) Series #sanders sides #logan sanders #sanders sides theory #logan sanders angst #logan sanders theory #averywrites #i'm kinda proud of this so rbs are appreciated!! #and feel free to add stuff!! #tw caps 797 notes Thank you so much for watching! This is my very first edit so I apologize if it was really terrible. My instagram is TurtlesForCynthia so if you would like, The purple side pushed Logan to the messily made bed; he didn’t object and sat on the soft mattress.